• Switch off after a hard days work

  • Naturally drift off to sleep

  • Improved sleep quality

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Struggle to wind down and fall asleep at night?

Do you get to the end of your days feeling exhausted, but find it difficult to switch off before bed.

You're not alone, many high-performers like you struggle to switch off after a busy days work, leading to broken and un-restorative sleep, leaving them waking up feeling groggy, tired and lacking the energy to leap out of bed and conquer to day ahead.

We developed R3 to change that.

Buy R3

We're here to help you switch off, sleep deeper, and recover from a hard days work

Struggling to sleep shouldn't be the norm. But it has become that for so many people across the globe.

We developed R3 to eradicate that, and help people naturally dose off into a deep restorative sleep, allowing their body and mind to recover, and helping them to wake up feel restored, refreshed and ready to take on the world!

Buy R3

Trusted by professional athletes

"I was able to push myself harder and for longer in training camps"

As a professional MMA fighter, R3 has improved my sleep quality allowing my mind and body to fully recover after a hard day of training and work. After only using R3 for a few days, my body felt more rested which meant I was able to push myself harder and for longer in training camps.

- Kayvan Fallah

A great day starts with a great nights sleep

  • Take R3 two hours before you plan to go to sleep

    This is to allow R3's ingredients to have their maximum effect, helping you to naturally un-wind after a hard days work.

  • Reduce screen time prior to bedtime

    Blue light emitted by screens mimics day light, therefore your body doesn't know its time to wind down. Reducing screen time two hours before bed will help your body naturally relax and get ready for sleep.

  • Allow your body and mind to relax whilst you naturally dose off

    The all natural ingredients in R3, coupled with reduced screen time will drastically change the way you sleep. Drift of naturally, and wake up feel re-energised and refreshed, ready to chamion another day!

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Everything you need to get a great nights rest, and nothing you don't.

R3 is a standout in the realm of sleep and relaxation supplements. Every nightly serving is charged with our pioneering Restore, Recharge, Recover (R3) blend, a symphony of calming herbs, potent amino acids, essential minerals, and vital vitamins

  • The R3 Magnesium Matrix

    A generous serving of Magnesium, essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including functions related to deep, restful sleep and mood regulation.

  • B Vitamins & Cognitive Support

    An array of B vitamins including Thiamin, Niacin, and Vitamin B6, vital for maintaining brain health, supporting positive mood patterns, and enhancing cognitive function.

  • Stress Manager

    Designed to support your body's response to stress with ingredients such as CBD Isolate Powder and Magnesium. Sleep well and wake up with a balanced, calm mind ready to tackle the day.

  • Theanine & CBD Blend

    The R3’s serene blend incorporates L-Theanine and CBD Isolate Powder, recognized for their calming properties. This blend is intended to promote relaxation, helping you ease into a peaceful slumber

  • Immunity Care

    Zinc and Vitamin B12 are included in our blend for their role in supporting a robust immune system. With R3, you're not just improving your sleep but also fortifying your body's defences.

  • Natural Sleep Enhancers

    We've incorporated potent sleep enhancers such as Lemon Balm Extract and Montmorency Cherry extract. These ingredients are known to improve sleep quality, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and reenergised

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How R3 has changed the way people live day to day

t's easy for use to tell you how good our products are, but below you can hear what other high-performers are saying about how they've benefited from making R3 a part of their nightly routine!

It certainly has had a positive impact on my life

This product is absolutely fantastic. I would highly recommend it to anyone! Especially those who are finding it difficult to switch off. It has not only increased my productivity, it has also helped me to train harder as I found I am now able to get an adequate amount of rest, that is of very high quality, optimising my recovery which is essential due to a physically demanding job and very active lifestyle. It certainly has had a positive impact on my life and worth every penny!

Sleep at Last! No more post gym buzz all night.

I work hard and train hard at the gym, but one of the biggest problems I faced was that I'd hit the gym after work and then end up completely buzzed for the rest of the evening. The R3 from Nuvictus has made it possible for me to wind down after the gym and the increase in performance has been incredible.

John R.
Feels like a breath of fresh air

Enjoy it! For someone who used to heavily rely on sleeping aids years ago and would wake up groggy this feels like a breath of fresh air.

Danny Bond

Ready for the best nights sleep in forever?

Better together. If you’re maximising your days, you need to maximise your nights too

Having a great day, starts with a great nights sleep. Increased daytime productivity is all well and good, but if you struggle to switch off and relax at night, then you're still not going to reach your full potential. We developed our products to work hand-in-hand, allowing you to get the most out of your days, and your nights.


Hi, I'm David.

Nutritionist and health optimisation specialist

I developed the Nuvictus supplement range to deliver a comprehensive solution to the unmet needs of many. To solve the issues of fatigue, low energy, diluted work capacity most of which is correlated back to how we fuel our body, how our digestive system absorbs nutrients and how we recover during sleep.

Most supplement brands are pushing low quality, unproven, unregulated formula's with just profit in mind. After working with over 20 world champions and hundreds of high flying executives I developed formulas designed to give the body exactly what it needs so that you can feel & perform at your highest level.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is R3?

R3 is a supplement specifically designed for restoration, recovery, and recharge. It is formulated with a unique blend of ingredients, including magnesium citrate, L-theanine, Montmorency cherry extract, lemon balm extract, and zinc citrate. This carefully selected combination of ingredients works synergistically to support physical recovery, promote restful sleep, and enhance overall rejuvenation.

When is the best time to take R3?

R3 is best taken a couple of hours before your usual bedtime, during the time when you are winding down from a hard day's work and ready to transition into a state of relaxation and recovery. The recommended serving size for R3 is three capsules per day. By following this timing, you can optimize the effects of R3 to support restful sleep and enhance the body's recovery process.

What are the key ingredients in R3?

R3 contains a variety of ingredients to support restoration and recovery, including ingredients like magnesium citrate, L-theanine, Montmorency cherry extract, lemon balm extract, and zinc citrate. These ingredients are carefully chosen for their potential benefits in promoting relaxation, muscle recovery, and sleep quality.

Can I take R3 with other supplements or medications?

It is generally safe to take R3 alongside other dietary supplements. However, if you are taking specific medications or have concerns about potential interactions, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist to ensure its compatibility with your current regimen.

How long does it take to experience the benefits of R3?

The timeline for experiencing the benefits of R3 can vary from person to person. Some individuals may notice improvements in sleep quality and recovery within a few days, while others may require several weeks of consistent use. Results may also depend on factors such as individual metabolism, lifestyle, and overall health condition.

Are there any known side effects of taking R3?

R3 is generally well-tolerated when taken as directed. However, individual reactions may vary. It is advisable to read the product label and consult with a healthcare professional if you have specific concerns or pre-existing medical conditions.

Is R3 suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

R3 is formulated to be suitable for vegetarians. However, it's always recommended to review the product's ingredient list to ensure it aligns with your specific dietary preferences and needs.

Can I take R3 if I have a medical condition or if I'm on medication?

Before starting any new dietary supplement, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medications, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and health circumstances.

What are the key ingredients in R3, and how do they contribute to recharge, recovery, and restoration?

R3 is formulated with a unique blend of ingredients that work synergistically to support physical recovery, promote restful sleep, and enhance overall rejuvenation. Here are the key ingredients in R3 and their associated benefits:

Magnesium Citrate:Helps with muscle relaxation, energy restoration, and overall relaxation.

L-theanine:Calms the mind, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation.

Montmorency Cherry Extract:Balances sleep patterns, improves sleep quality, and aids in the recovery process.

Lemon Balm Extract:Soothes and calms the mind, reduces anxiety, and supports tranquility.

Zinc Citrate:Supports overall well-being and aids in the body's natural recovery mechanisms.

CBD (Cannabidiol) Isolate:Offers calming and relaxation properties, aiding in rest and recovery.

Chamomile Extract:Promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and supports a peaceful state of mind.

B Vitamin Complex:Including B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), and B12 (cobalamin), helps with energy production, nervous system function, and cellular repair, contributing to overall well-being and reducing fatigue.

These ingredients are carefully selected to provide a comprehensive approach to recharge, recovery, and restoration, supporting both physical and mental well-being.

Still have questions? We’re here to help.

We understand that you may still have questions about R3, or our other products, and how they can help you live a more fulfilled life. Let us know what you'd like to know more about using the form below and a member of the team will make themselves available to provide you with more clarity.

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